A multidisciplinary designer with over 20 years of experience, leading teams and delivering award-winning designs for some of the most recognizable brands across industries.
A blue-to-purple gradient background with a white dog icon holding a chart in its mouth.
A dark green background with a geometric green symbol resembling an intertwined hexagon in the center.
An orange background with a white, diamond-shaped symbol in the center.
A brown background with a white, stylized ampersand "&" symbol in the center.
A red background with a white circle in the center containing a red, stylized "L."
A purple background with the text "AMERICAN EXPRESS" in bold white letters at the center, with light bokeh effects in the background.
A bright pink background with a white, abstract line drawing resembling a rabbit in the center.
A green-to-blue gradient background with a white, stylized "C" shape in the center.
An abstract, pixelated blue image with a close-up of a face in the center.
A blue background with a white, stylized shield composed of wavy lines in the center.
A beige background with a stylized brown "H" symbol in the center.
A light green background with a geometric design of a house made up of translucent green and yellow shapes in the center.
A light blue background with a yellow, stylized pencil icon in the center, angled slightly to the right.
A background with diagonal stripes in red, orange, and yellow, featuring the word "COOP" in bold white letters, each with an arrow incorporated into the design.
A minimalist black outline of a person sitting on a chair, set against a light gray background. The person appears to be writing or drawing in their lap.